Friday, May 13, 2011

Generous Donations!

The National Office of USP (Upper South Province) has donated the school a photocopy machine, which the school has been longing to have. The generous donation has been greatly appreciated! Thank you!

One of the Kolamaafushi NGO (KOLAMAA) has donated a large dustbin to the school, which will be very helpful in managing waste. We greatly appreciate and thank the NGO for the donation!

1 comment:

  1. އެންމެ ފަހުން ޕޮޓޯ ކޮޕީ މެޝިންވެސ ލިބުނީ ދޯ !
    ހަދިޔާ ކުރި މީހަކަށް ހަމަ ސާބަސް !
