Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kolamaafushi Local Council Oath taking Ceremony

Left to Right: Ahmed Jameel, Mohamed Thaufeeg, Adnan Hassan, Abdulla Atheef

In a historic moment, the  Local Council of Kolamaafushi has assumed office, before an audience of prominent people of the Island community. The grand ceremony took place in the school hall and it was attended by a large number of citizens of Kolamaafushi, school teachers, other members of staff and students.

The ceremony lasted almost 15 minutes, the oath taking took few minutes but it marked the beginning of an era of people's power in the local community.

The elected councilors were Ahmed Jameel, Mohamed Thaufeeg, Adnan Hassan and Abdulla Atheef. One last chair of the council is contested between the two tied candidates, Riyaz Hussain and Mohamed Rifshan.

Congratulations to all councilors and we look forward to work in collaboration with the council members, for the betterment of education served in GA Atoll School.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Outlook Magazine to Restart again

The school's wall magazine (Board Magazine) 'Outlook' is to restart from next Sunday. Prepared by English Club, the magazine will be renewed weekly. The Editorial Board of this year are

Editor Aishath Rayya Nadheem  (grade 9B)

Sub Editor Naja Afeef Geade 8B
In charge of Quiz column Rifga Hashim grade 7A
Incharge of Local News column Ashwag Waleed 9B
In-charge International News column Sujuda Fikry 9B
Photographer and in-charge of person of the week column, Amaanathulla Jameel 9B

There will be 10 questions in the quiz every week and the winner will have to answer 7 correctly. If there are more students tied at the highest score (more than 7 answers) the winner will be decided in a lucky draw.
The prize is worth RF 30 (every week)

The winner's Name (perhaps with photo) will appear on the blog

Monday, February 21, 2011

International Mother Language Day

Today the school held a special assembly to mark the international Mother language Day by the Dhivehi Club. Attended by PTA and school Board members, the assembly began with the usual routine. All the students sat in chairs, in their usual locations in the assembly area while the assembly progressed. The teachers and dignitaries were seated in the front.

The introduction of the function was given in Huvadhoo language, while the welcome speech was given in four different languages (English, Urudu, Bengali and Malayalam by four different students. The president of Dhivehi Club, Shara Jamal Spoke on the importance of the day and how today became International Mother Language Day.

Finally three students recited a story (Maakanaa Vaahaka) in three different dialects of Dhivehi (Addu, Huvadhoo and Fuah Mulah). The assmbly lasted almost 45 minutes.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Inauguration Day

It was another grand function attended by a sizable number of students and parents. The Inauguration of STA and Clubs. The school hall was almost full with parents and students. Plagued with the failure of the sound system, the function had to be stopped for a while and with the help of some School Board members, the function re-started with a new amp and a speaker.

President of Dharivarunge Rooh, Humaid Mohamed of 10B gave his inaugural speech in which he highlighted the plans of STA this year.

The fashion Show of English club was well cheered by the audience, and Miss Kolamaafushi contest by JELA was noteworthy.The presentation about  nutritious food, by the science Club was very informative, while news presentation by Eco club received a huge applause. Notably the pest like cameraman, the superman, the Bangladeshi worker, who mistook  a sindoor on a woman's forehead for a red button of exit in an airplane,   was hilarious. But the whole credit goes to the news presenters.

Finally, the event ended with Islam Club's presentation of an awareness about their activities.
The Madaha presented by the club was beautiful.

The chief guest of the event was Dr. Bikas Shah (medical Ofiicer of Kolamaafushi Health Centre. The Function was attended by school Board, and PTA executive committee members.

(pictures will be uploaded soon. If you have pictures of the event please mail to

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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KOLAMAA to donate a hydroponics system

 One of the NGOs of the Island, KOLAMAA is to donate a hydroponics system to the school. Using the system the school's ECO club will be experimenting one of the latest advancements in agriculture. We are grateful to the generous contribution by KOLAMAA and the assistance by all NGOs towards the development of the school

Arts club

The school has decided to establish a new club which will be known as Arts club. The aims of the club will be to develop performing arts and fine arts skills of young learners and also to revive cultural values which is gradually fading away. The club will be divided into three factions; fine arts, performing arts and music.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
Al-Anbiya, Ch 21, Ayat 107
'We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creation.'

Should we celebrate Prophet Muhammad's Birthday?

Celebrating the Prophet's birthday is bida (an innovation in the religion); the Prophet (saaws) did not instruct others to do it, and he didn't have companions around him doing it and then give any type of permission (including silent permission).
We are not to make distinction between any of the Prophets. Distinction in status, for instance. Like to say one is better than another. This leads to idol worship, similar to what the christians did when they began to worship Jesus instead of treat him as the Prophet he was. They just took it a step too far.. and kept running with it, up to what it is today.
  • The Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has said: Do not over praise me as the Christians over-praised the son of Mary. I am His slave so say: 'Allah's slave and messenger' [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
What is important about each Prophet and/or Messenger is the MESSAGE.

Adapted from,

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Prefects Inauguration

GA Atoll School's Prefect inauguration ceremony was held today. It was attended by dignitaries from the island, PTA and school Board members, prefects and their parents. 

With only a handful of people in the audience, the ceremony was lacking the sense of unity that everyone was looking forward to be seen. 

Chief guest council-elect member of Kolamaafushi council, Ahmed Jameel reverberated the observed absence of the parents in the one of the most grand functions of the school. 

The long awaited leaders of the school were declared to be 

Captain – Saalim Saleem 10B
Head Prefect – Auf Ali 10B
-    Deputy School Captain- Sadooh Naseer 10B
-    Deputy School Captain – Aminath Rasha 10B
-    Games Captain -  Ismail Zahir 10A
-         English Club President- Rugiyya Mohamed Waheed 10B
-         Dhivehi Club President- Aishath Shara Jamal 10A
-         Islam Club President- Fathimath Ramla Hussain 10B
-         Science Club President Nazuha Mohamed 10B
-         Eco Club  President- Saaidha Mohamed 10B

House Captains
-         Thaajuddeen- Abdul Malik, Shafa Shareef
-         Bahaauddeen – Afsaan Abdulla, Nashath Haneef
-         Salaahuddeen – Ilma Ali, Ashwag Waleed
-         Jamaaluddeen- Hussain Zimam, Naeesha Hameed

Congratulations to all the student leaders!